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ASIAN RUMMYNOSE (Sawbwa resplendens) 2402

ASIAN RUMMYNOSE (Sawbwa resplendens) 2402

Regular price $7.99 CAD
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Pictured is a fully coloured up adult male. A quick on line search and the link below will reveal this species colour variations, and of the juveniles and females.

Peaceful towards other species but not an ideal choice for the general community aquarium due to its small size and aggressive interactions between rival males. It does best when maintained alone or with similarly-sized, active species that enjoy comparable water conditions.

Though gregarious by nature it exhibits shoaling rather than schooling behaviour. Males tend to be engaged in a continual battle for dominance, particularly when maintained in small numbers or in the presence of few females.

The best way to minimise this behaviour is to purchase more females than males; a ratio of 4:1 or more being ideal. Unfortunately females can be hard to find on sale because exporters often prefer to ship only the more colourful males.

At the very least try to purchase sexed pairs or use a larger tank arranged in such a way that many broken lines of sight are provided.

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