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BLACK SKIRT TETRA (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)

BLACK SKIRT TETRA (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi)

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15 in stock

One of the better tetras for the ‘general’ community tank. The black widow is both peaceful and lively, and its subdued patterning makes a good contrast to more colourful species. It can be kept with most livebearers, danios, rasboras, other tetras and peaceful bottom dwellers such as Corydoras or smaller Loricariids. It also makes a suitable companion for more robust dwarf cichlids such as kribensis, and due to its somewhat rounded shape is unlikely to end up on the menu if combined with larger species such as angel fish.

Although it has a reputation as a bit of a fin nipper, this behaviour can usually be rectified by keeping it in a small shoal of at least 6-8 specimens. When maintained in these kind of numbers any squabbling is generally contained within the group.

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