BLUE DWARF CRAYFISH (Cambarellus patzcuarensis .var) 2405
BLUE DWARF CRAYFISH (Cambarellus patzcuarensis .var) 2405
Out of stock
This miniature freshwater crayfish features an outgoing personality. Dwarf crayfish are also known as mini lobsters, although true lobsters do not exist in freshwater. Blue Brazos Dwarf Crayfish are very similar to the Orange CPO Crayfish in appearance and behavior, aside from the obvious difference in color.
When kept in a pH consistently below 6.8 and dGh below 10, the Blue Blue Brazos Crayfish will retain its blue coloration throughout its adulthood. If the pH is higher it will revert back to a more brown coloration upon a molt, However this can result in a shortened lifespan and possible issues during every molt, so keeping these crayfish in a Gh above 10 up to a maximum of 20 with a PH above 7.2 is recommended to give them the best life, while sacrificing the blue coloration that they produce while under suboptimal conditions.
Though this crayfish is small enough not to be a threat to most other tank inhabitants, they have on occasion gone after dwarf shrimp, so we cannot guarantee safety for dwarf shrimp when keeping them in the same tank. These are normally peaceful, but all crayfish are opportunistic omnivore hunters/scavengers so there is always a small chance they could try to fin clip slow moving fish or ones with long flowing fins. We have kept them with schools of fast moving small fish like rasboras, rainbowfish, and danios with very little to no issues. Caution just needs to be advised whenever housing a crayfish with other tank mates.