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BUENOS AIRES TETRA (Hemigrammus caudovittatus)

BUENOS AIRES TETRA (Hemigrammus caudovittatus)

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15 in stock

Has a reputation for nipping the fins of tankmates though this behaviour only tends to be pronounced when insufficient numbers are purchased or space is limited.

It is a gregarious species forming loose hierarchies, with rival males continually battling with each other for female attention and positioning within the group.

A group of at least 8-10 specimens should be considered the minimum requirement since this increases the likelihood that the fish will be distracted by each other rather than their tankmates but will result in a more effective, natural-looking display. Males will also show better colouration in the presence of conspecific rivals.

That said it is relatively boisterous and doesn not make an ideal companion for very shy, slow-moving, or long-finned fishes such as many livebearers, cichlids, and anabantoids.

Robust fishes inhabiting similar biotopes in nature, especially comparably-sized, open water-dwelling characids perhaps constitute the best choices but other potential options include callichthyid, loricariid and doradid catfishes or benthic anostomids and curimatids from genera such as Schizothorax and Characidium.

If geography is not an issue many rainbowfishes and cyprinids are also suitable, but be sure to research your choices thoroughly before purchase.

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