EMERALD DWARF RASBORA (Celestichthys erythromicron) 2404
EMERALD DWARF RASBORA (Celestichthys erythromicron) 2404
45 in stock
Likely to be intimidated or outcompeted for food by larger or more boisterous tankmates although the presence of similarly-sized, surface-dwelling species seems to help reduce its shyness.
Other small cyprinids from Myanmar such as Celestichthys choprae or members of the genus Microdevario are suitable companions, and we suspect it might also do well alongside Dario hysginon or D. sp. ‘Myanmar’.
The closely-related C. margaritatus is not recommended as these two are probably capable of hybridisation.
A community based around fishes from Lake Inle would make an interesting project with species available in the trade including Sawbwa resplendens, Inlecypris auropurpureus, Microrasbora rubescens, Pethia stoliczkana, Parambassis lala and Yunnanilus brevis.
Though gregarious by nature it’s a shoaling rather than schooling species with rival males sparring on a regular basis during daylight hours.
It’s not uncommon to see nipped fins within a group though this behaviour does not normally extend to tankmates.
Buy as many as possible, ideally 20 or more, as when kept in larger groups the aggression is spread between individuals plus the fish are bolder, more often-seen, and exhibit better colouration.