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GLASS BLOODFIN TETRA (prionobrama filigera .var) 2405

GLASS BLOODFIN TETRA (prionobrama filigera .var) 2405

Regular price $4.99 CAD
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50 in stock

Generally a peaceable species that can be kept with many other species enjoying similar conditions. Rival males can sometimes squabble amongst themsleves, and this is one of several very good reasons why it should always be kept in groups of at least 6-8. It makes an excellent tankmate for loads of commonly imported South American species such as other similarly-sized characins, Corydoras, smaller Loricariid catfish, Apistogramma, Mikrogeophagus and in a suitably-sized tank even slightly larger cichlids such as angelfish or discus.

Avoid bigger, fast-swimming species that inhabit similar areas of the tank as it tends not to do so well if competition for space and food is fierce.

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