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GOLD BARB (Puntius Sachsi)

GOLD BARB (Puntius Sachsi)

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The Gold Barb is an attractive and gorgeous aquarium fish. It is very popular among the beginner fish keepers because of its brilliant body coloration and toughness.  It is a freshwater ray-finned fish which belongs to the Minnows or carps family (Cyprinidae)  of  Class Actinopterygii

Distribution and Habitat

It is generally found in Vietnum and China especially red river basins. In nature, it prefers to live in stagnant and slowly moving waters such as lakes, paddy fields, ditches where dense aquatic vegetation are available. They prefer to dwell near the substrate within 5 meters depth ranges.

Common Names

It has several common names such as Chinese Barb, Neon Barb, Gold-finned Barb, Schuberti Barb, Sachsi Barb, Golden Barb, Half-banded Barb etc.

Body Shape

Body is elongated and laterally compressed with highly arched backs and forked caudal fin. Mouth is small and bears small barbells on the upper jaw at the corner sides of the mouth.

Body Colors

Body is orange-gold in color with reddish fins. Sides of the body have metallic green or yellow green while a brassy or golden sheen is seen at the ventral side of the body. Body has dark irregular spots while a dark uneven bar is present at the base of the caudal fin.

Body Size and Lifespan

It can grow up to 7 cm in length with a life span that ranges from 5 to 7 years if proper care is taken.

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