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L204 FLASH PLECO (Panaqolus albivermis) 3.5-4" 8-10cm T2405A

L204 FLASH PLECO (Panaqolus albivermis) 3.5-4" 8-10cm T2405A

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A beautiful pleco found in the Ucayali and Maranon river drainages in Peru, the Flash or Emperor is a relatively small species with a maximum adult size of 5″. Hardy and undemanding, the L204 is not an algae eater by nature but more than makes up for it with their striking striped pattern and distinctive lyretail.  They should be fed a varied diet high in protein

L204 Flash / Emperor Pleco (Panaqolus albivermis)

Origin: Wild Peru
Locale: Rio Ucayali
Diet: Carnivore and scavenger. Should be offered a varied diet high in protein
Adult Size: 5″
Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons
Compatibility: Peaceful, but can be territorial towards other plecos

Preferred Water Parameters
pH:                          6.5 – 7.5
Temp:                     76-82F
Ammonia:              0ppm
Nitrite:                    0ppm
Nitrate:                  <30ppm

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