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MDOKA WHITE LIPS (Placidochromis Phenochilus Mdoka) 3"

MDOKA WHITE LIPS (Placidochromis Phenochilus Mdoka) 3"

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  • Placidochromis Phenochilus Mdoka aka “White Lips”
  • Ad Konings referred to them as a very conspicuous cichlid from the sand: The blue sand-dwellers.
  • In contrast to most sand-dwellers, there is a group of conspicuously colored cichlids which usually live solitarily or in very small groups, these five are Cyrtocara moorii, Protomelas annectens, Otopharynx selenurus, Placidochromis electra, and Placidochromis phenochilus.
  • These are one of the most beautiful and coveted Malawi Cichlids due to their species gender differences having males and females with the same color pattern.
  • They are also very gentle by nature and thus making them great fish to keep with other Haplochromis cichlids.
  • Males tend to grow much bigger than females and reach sexual maturity in an aquarium by the age of 1 year.
  • They will accept almost all kind of food (flakes, pellets, frozen) just be aware that they are a
    carnivore by nature and will need food with extra animal protein (krill, shrimps are the best source).
  • Try to keep them in a family of over 6 individuals since they are very social and like to play with their own kind.
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