NINJA WOOD CATFISH (tatia musaica)
NINJA WOOD CATFISH (tatia musaica)
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The Ninja Catfish is a striking species known from the swiftly flowing waters of the Atabapo and Autana River basins, which form part of the Upper Orinoco River drainage in Venezuela. This secretive black and white catfish requires a mature aquarium with a soft sand substrate and plenty of shady hiding places amongst the crevices in driftwood pieces. Although plants are largely absent from its natural habitat, they can be very useful in shading out bright lighting and providing additional hiding places. Robust species such as Java Fern and Anubias sp. are good choices, as they often cope well with moderate current, which Ninja Woodcats prefer. This peaceful, gregarious species is best kept in groups of 5 or more, and is safe with most community fish; however, adults will predate on very tiny fish or small fry, so choose tankmates with care. Largely nocturnal, they will spend much of the day hidden, but can usually be coaxed out with bloodworms, for which they will quickly emerge and feed in quite a frenzy! Some aquarists like to add a blue moon light to the aquarium, that switches on just before the main lights turn off, so that they can view the natural behaviour of these catfish for a few hours during the evening. Regular partial water changes are essential as, like other riverine fish, this species is intolerant of the build up of nitrogenous waste within the aquarium. Interestingly, there is a very similar-looking species known from Lago Balbina, Amazonas, Brazil, which is sometimes seen in the trade under the Tatia sp. aff. musaica or Tatia sp. "ninja" nametags. This fish sports an additional white blotch underneath the dorsal fin and displays a slightly different tail pattern. It is as yet unclear whether such specimens simply represent a geographical variation of T. musaica, or if this is a species in its own right; further scientific study is required.
Small meaty frozen foods such as bloodworm, white mosquito larvae, vitamin-enriched brineshrimp, daphnia etc, along with a variety of catfish pellets/tablets. Feeding should take place at night or under blue moon lighting so that the fish feel safe enough to venture out and feed; however, they are greedy eaters, so do be careful not to overfeed.