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Rainbow clam (Corbicula Javanicus .var)

Rainbow clam (Corbicula Javanicus .var)

Regular price $12.99 CAD
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47 in stock

Freshwater Clams are peaceful, friendly and non-aggressive filter feeders. Their filter feeding helps remove debris from tank water, and they are great conversation starters. Freshwater Clams make good tank mates with other calm choices like Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Bamboo Shrimp and Vampire Shrimp. Freshwater Clams can also do well with snails such as Nerite Snails, Mystery Snails, Gold Inca Snails, Ivory Snails, Trumpet Snails, Japanese Trapdoor Snails, Rabbit Snails and Red Ramshorn Snails. Keeping Freshwater Clams with most community tank fish like Corys and Otocinclus Catfish can also work well.
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