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RED CHERRY SHRIMP (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis) Taiwan S grade 2402

RED CHERRY SHRIMP (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis) Taiwan S grade 2402

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400 in stock

Red Cherry shrimp or RCS are a breed of shrimp known as Neocaridina denticulata sinensis. Red Cherry shrimp exist in many colors in the wild but in the aquarium red is by far the most popular strain and this is attributed to their name. The bright red color is a result of years of selective breeding. The red cherry shrimp really stands out in the aquarium especially against plants and darker substrates.

Cherry shrimp are extremely hardy and condition tolerant when compared to other varieties of shrimp. This makes them an excellent beginner shrimp. They are easy to breed, maintain and they will naturally hide from predators.

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