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RED NEON BLUE EYED RAINBOW (Pseudomugil luminatus) DY2405

RED NEON BLUE EYED RAINBOW (Pseudomugil luminatus) DY2405

Regular price $14.99 CAD
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16 in stock

Peaceful but unsuitable for the general community aquarium since it’s easily outcompeted.

It’s best maintained alone or alongside fishes of comparable size, disposition, and requirements and freshwater shrimp of the genera Caridina and Neocaridina but in all cases be sure to research your choices thoroughly prior to purchase.

It’s a shoaling species and should be kept in a group of at least 8-10 specimens, ideally more.

Maintaining it in such numbers will not only make the fish less nervous but result in a more effective, natural-looking display.

Males will also display their best colours and some fascinating behaviour as they compete with one other for female attention.

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