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SKUNK LOACH (Yasuhikotakia morleti)

SKUNK LOACH (Yasuhikotakia morleti)

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Scientific name: Yasuhikotakia morleti

Common name: Skunk loach, Hora's loach.

Synonyms: Botia morleti, Botia horae.

Distribution: Cambodia, Laos, Thailand.

Sexual Dimorphism: Mature females likely to have a rounder abdomen.

Maximum size: 10cm (4").

Care: Keep in a fairly sizeable aquarium, and ensure that the substrate is fine and sandy in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area. Provide plenty of hiding places in the aquarium amongst bogwood, caves, and plants. Clean, well-aerated water is a must.

Feeding: Will accept most brands of dry sinking catfish pellets, but should be offered a variety of frozen foods to supplement the diet - mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, and daphnia are usually taken with much enthusiasm. In the wild, this species feeds on mollusks, and as can probably be deduced, is a very effective snail eater.

Water parameters: pH: 7.0 or below. Hardness: Soft and slightly acidic is best. Max dH: <12 degrees.

Temperature: 79ºF to 86ºF (26-30°C)

Breeding: Not known to have been bred in aquaria.

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