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WHITE WIZARD SNAIL (Filopaludina martensi)

WHITE WIZARD SNAIL (Filopaludina martensi)

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White Wizard Snail also known as Filopaludina martensi is a relatively new species of freshwater snails in the aquarium hobby. Even though they are still not that common, these snails have all chances to become one of the favorites.

So, what is so special about them?

White Wizard snails grow large and prefer warm water. They can also use their gills to filter feed. That makes them literally unique! These snails fall into the category called viviparous, which means giving birth to living offspring that develop within the mother’s body.

Although the ecology of this species is poorly researched, in this article, I will tell you everything I know about White Wizard snails and how to care for them.

Quick Notes about White Wizard Snails 

Name White Wizard Snail
Other Names White Ghost Wizard Snail, Ghost Wizard Snail, White Mage Snail, Ghost Piano River Snail, or White Trapdoor Snail
Scientific Name Filopaludina martensi
Tank size (optimal) 10 gallons (~40 liters)
Keeping Easy to medium
Breeding Easy (slow)
Size up to 5 cm (~2 inches)
Optimal Temperature 23 – 26 °C (73 – 79 °F)
Optimal PH 7.0 – 8.5 
Optimal GH 5 – 20   
Optimal KH 4 – 12
Nitrate Less than 40 ppm
Diet Algae eater/omnivore
Temperament Peaceful
Life span up to 5 years
Color Form White with a dark tip


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